LIGHT ON Bliki is now online!

The LIGHT ON Bliki is a collaborative editor created to raise awareness on the words and expressions of the new racist discourse, including those that are considered normal expressions.

The LIGHT ON Bliki is a collaborative editor created to raise awareness on the words and expressions of the new racist discourse, including those that are considered normal expressions. The Bliki contains input from the project staff and findings from the transnational research, but you can contribute too. You can filter the entries by tag, country and/or target group, or search a specific word. You can add new terms explaining why they are discriminatory, and also comment on someone else's contribution, sharing your opinion or point of view from other country.

This tool is called “Bliki” because you can browse it and enrich the content as in a wiki, but rather than editing someone else's entries, you contribute adding comments, as in a blog.

Register, browse the Bliki and share your knowledge or write us for more information.