Ei loisia!

  •   No parasites
  •   Nem kellenek élősködők!
  •   No parassiti!
  •   Nobenih parazitov!





Target groups

  • Foreigner/Migrants
  • Minority groups
  • Jews
  • Muslims
  • Roma
  • Others


created by admin

James Hirvisaari, member of the Finnish parliament and far right party Change 2011 (Muutos 2011) wrote in his blog a posting titled "No parasites". In the blog posting, Hirvisaari refers to immigrants as "masses of parasites" who are incapable of integration and who move to Finland "to live with the expense of Finnish taxpayers". At the same posting, Hirvisaari blames many of the current government parties for inviting groups of "unfit and criminal" dependents in Finland. The blog finishes by noting that "let the barbarians stay in their potholes".

Why racist

created by admin

Refrerring to the members of outgroup as parasites and barbarians is commonly and internationally known expression that seeks to dehumanise the "other". By suggesting that all immigrants are taking advantage of the Finnish welfare and by referring to immigrants as criminals, Hirvisaari reinforces racist stereotyping and prejudice against migrants.

Viittaa siirtolaisiin “loismassoina”, jotka eivät kykene integroitumaan täkäläiseen yhteiskuntaan ja muuttavat tänne vain elääkseen suomalaisten veronmaksajien kustannuksella. Muualta kotoisin olevien leimaaminen loisiksi ja barbaareiksi on yleisesti tunnettu epäinhimillistämisen ja toiseuttamisen menetelmä.

A bevándorlókat olyan „élősködő tömegként” jeleníti meg, akik nem képesek beilleszkedni és csak azért költöztek Finnországba, hogy a „finn adófizetők tartsák el őket”. A külső csoportok tagjainak élősködőként és barbárként történő megnevezése széles körben és nemzetközileg is elterjedt módja a „másik" emberi voltának elvitatásának.

Si riferisce agli immigrati, visti come "masse di parassiti", incapaci di integrarsi, che si spostano in Finlandia "per vivere alle spese dei contribuenti finlandesi". Le espressioni che fanno riferimento agli stranieri come parassiti e barbari sono comunemente ed internazionalmente note e sono volte a disumanizzare "l'altro".

Izraz se nanaša na priseljence kot "mase parazitov", ki so nezmožni integracije in ki se preselijo na Finsko zato, da bi "živeli na račun finskih davkoplačevalcev". Označevanje “drugih” kot parazitov in barbarov je splošno in mednarodno znan izraz, ki si prizadeva za dehumanizacijo.


created by admin

The posting was originally posted in Hirvisaari's blog in Following its publication the story was also recognised by the news media i.e.

Do you agree? Is this expression used in a similar way in your country? Do you want to add any further reference? Please comment!