Unite against Islam

  •   Liittoutukaa islamia vastaan
  •   Egyesüljetek az iszlám ellen
  •   Uniti contro l'Islam
  •   Združeni proti Islamu


United Kingdom



Target groups

  • Foreigner/Migrants
  • Minority groups
  • Muslims


created by admin

The UK Independence Party local authority Councillor Eric Kitson is alleged to have shared offensive cartoons and ‘jokes’ on his social media page. Offensive posts have been directed towards the Muslim and Jewish populations. Eric Kitson, who won the Stourport-on-Severn seat on 2 May, said he shared racist cartoons and jokes only to show people how "disgusting" they were. Consequently Mr. Kitson was forced to quit his position in the public office following the incident.

Why racist

created by admin

The material conveys a message of disrespecting Muslims and Jewish populations and contains incitement to racial and religious violence.

Yllyttää rodulliseen ja uskonnolliseen vihaa, ehkä jopa väkivaltaan.

Faji és vallási gyűlöletre, esetleg erőszakra való felszólítást tartalmaz.

Trasmette un messaggio irriguardoso e offensivo nei confronti di musulmani ed ebrei, che implica un incitamento all'odio razziale e religioso, ed eventualmente anche alla violenza.

Vsebuje spodbujanje k rasnemu in verskemu sovraštvu, morda celo islamofobnemu nasilju.


created by admin

The incident has been widely acknowedged in the national media. E.g.

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