Some nationalities do not appreciate hard work.
Jotkut kansallisuudet eivät arvosta kovaa työtä.
Néhány kisebbség nem értékeli a kemény munkát.
Alcune nazionalità non amano lavorare sodo.
Nekatere nacionalnosti ne cenijo trdega dela.
United Kingdom
Target groups
- Foreigner/Migrants
- Minority groups
- Jews
- Muslims
- Roma
- Others
A school is planned to be built in the South Downs National Park to educate about 600 students from a deprived area of South London, who will board there for free from Monday to Friday and return home for the weekend. John Cherry, a Conservative member of West Sussex County Council, stated in an interview with the Mail on Sunday in April 2013 that some nationalities did not appreciate hard work and suggested that the school would be a “sexual volcano”. He also commented that “Ninety-seven per cent of pupils will be black or Asian. It depends what type of Asian. If they're Chinese they'll rise to the top. If they're Indian they'll rise to the top. If they're Pakistani they won't”. After being heavily criticised for the comments, Mr Cherry resigned from the Conservative Party and apologised.
Why racist
Izjava jasno sporoča hierarhijo in trdi, da pakistanski študentje ne bodo uspešni v šoli ali se "povzpeli na vrh" in je zato zelo diskriminatorna do te nacionalnosti in/ali kulture.
The topic has been widely debated in various online newspapers. E.g.