Nasilje med mladimi v šolah - je povsem samouvidevno, da so pobudniki in glavni akterji tovrstnih konfliktov ravno generacije priseljencev iz bivše Jugoslavije.

  •   Violence among the youth at schools - it is absolutely obvious that the initiators and main actors of such conflicts are precisely the generations of immigrants from the former Yugoslavia.
  •   Nuorten välinen kouluväkivalta – on ehdottoman ilmeistä, että sen toimeenpanijat ja pääsyylliset kuuluvat entisestä Jugoslaviasta kotoisin olevaan siirtolaissukupolveen.
  •   Iskolán belüli erőszak – nyilvánvaló, hogy a ezeknek a konfliktusoknak a kezdeményezői és a főkolomposai pontosan a korábbi Jugoszlávia területéről érkezett bevándorlók generációi.
  •   Violenza tra i giovani nelle scuole - è assolutamente ovvio che i promotori e gli attori principali di tali conflitti sono esattamente le generazioni di immigrati provenienti dalla ex Jugoslavia.





Target groups

  • Foreigner/Migrants
  • Minority groups


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The text functions under a discourse of mirror accusations, i.e. according to the author it is not possible that Slovenians are nationalistic and violent (as the media supposedly imposes), it can only be “them” - immigrants and descendants from former Yugoslavia - who are nationalistic and spread violence, hatred and intolerance, as well as violence in Slovenia, e.g.: “Despite the fact that some tolerance promoters and advocates of non-assimilated “southerners” try to blame us Slovenians and our “intolerance” for all that is happening in Slovenian schools, ... space and society, it is absolutely obvious that the initiators and main actors of such conflicts are precisely the generations of immigrants from former Yugoslavia, who cultivate contempt and even hatred against Slovenia and the Slovenian nation, which the “southerners” subculture demonstrates.”

Why racist

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Violence is seen as a problem caused by foreigners/immigrants, but specifically by immigrants from former Yugoslav republics. They are constructed as inherently violent, since they have (supposedly) caused not only violence, but also subordination of Slovenian citizens to them (linguistically, as well as regarding integration in general). Foreigners are portrayed as invaders and conquerors, who have taken over the state of Slovenia.These accusations are typical of constructions of southerners and dark skinned people as poor, barbaric and violent, thus representing a racist form of “othering”, scapegoating and hierarchy.

Väkivalta nähdään ongelmana, jonka saavat aikaan siirtolaiset, ja etenkin entisistä Jugoslavian osavaltioista tulleet siirtolaiset. Heidät esitetään samalla luonteeltaan väkivaltaisina ja alempiarvoisina syntipukkeina, “toisina”.

Az erőszakra úgy tekint mint egy olyan problémára, amit az idegenek/bevándorlók és különösen az egykori jugoszláv tagköztársaságokból érkezett bevándorlók okoznak, akiket természetüktől fogva erőszakosnak állít be. Ezzel az elidegenítés, bűnbak- és hierarchiaképzés formáját valósítja meg.

La violenza è vista come un problema causato dagli stranieri/immigrati, ma in particolare da quelli provenienti dalla ex Jugoslavia. Essi sono visti come intrinsecamente violenti. Dunque rappresenta una forma di razzismo di distanziamento ed esclusione degli altri, costruzione di capri espiatori e gerarchizzazione.

Nasilje se kaže kot problem, ki ga povzročajo tujci/priseljenci, še posebej priseljenci iz bivših jugoslovanskih republik. Ti so konstruirani kot inherentno nasilni, kar predstavlja rasistično obliko poustvarjanja “drugega”, iskanje grešnega kozla in hierarhijo.


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Webpage of extremist and patriotic organization "Here is Slovenia":

Do you agree? Is this expression used in a similar way in your country? Do you want to add any further reference? Please comment!