Cigana ne moremo opisati z nobeno pozitivno besedo.

  •   A gypsy cannot be described by any positive word.
  •   Mustalaista ei voi kuvata yhdelläkään myönteisellä sanalla.
  •   Egy cigányt nem lehet egyetlen pozitív jelzővel sem jellemzni.
  •   Uno zingaro non può essere descritto con nessun termine positivo.





Target groups

  • Minority groups
  • Roma


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Taken from an online post where the author describes his experiences with the Roma in a highly racist way: “When being on a beach/into the sea the boy and his girlfriend have noticed their neighbours moving around their stuff. Suspecting they have stolen something they reach the shore and their stuff, stating: “Of course we have checked if anything is missing and for our luck nothing was missing. We took our things and left. We are just wondering what could have happened, if we came one minute later. Of course I have to tell, who these neighbours were. Most of the readers, however, has probably already guessed that they were gypsies as only them can do something like this. I think this was not the first, neither the last case. /…/. On the beach there are everyday some gypsies and I am sure a day does not pass without them making some naughty thing. /…/. What could I have done? No matter if I reported them on the reception, they are anyway used to steal and the police can do nothing against them. And the state only “rewards” them. And if I did report them, the question is what they would do to us for revenge. Just don’t comment on me, that I am generalising, when I have never found a gypsy who wasn’t “bad”. It is a relative thing, if I compare something with bad, but a gypsy cannot be described by any positive word…”

Why racist

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The language is very racist since it constructs and presupposes upon prejudices that a Gypsy is automatically a thief (although nothing actually happened and nothing was stolen) and that gypsies are revengeful and dangerous, besides all Gypsies can be a priori described only by negative words and characteristics.

Ilmaisun kieli on hyvin rasistista, sillä se perustuu ennakkoluuloihin, joiden mukaan romaneihin voi liittää vain kielteisiä ominaisuuksia ja luonteenpiirteitä.

Ez a nyelvhasználat erősen rasszista, mert létrehozza és előfeltételezi azokat az előítéleteket, amelyek szerint a romák lényegükből eredően csak negatív kifejezésekkel és jellemzőkkel leírhatók.

Il linguaggio è particolarmente razzista in quanto fa una congettura discriminatoria basandosi unicamente sul pregiudizio che tutti gli zingari a priori possono essere descritti solo utilizzando parole e facendo riferimento a caratteristiche negative.

Jezik je zelo rasističen, saj konstruira in predpostavlja predsodke, da so vsi Romi a priori predstavljeni zgolj negativno in z negativnimi značilnostmi.


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It is a post on a blogspot called: Slovenian nation blogspot (

Do you agree? Is this expression used in a similar way in your country? Do you want to add any further reference? Please comment!