Cigani Raus!

  •   Gypsies get out! /Gypsies go away!
  •   Mustalaiset painukaa ulos!
  •   Ki a cigányokkal!
  •   Zingari andate via!





Target groups

  • Minority groups
  • Roma


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The message states: “Gypsies go away” by using the German word “raus” which was used by the Nazi regime to express the expulsion of Jews from Germany: “Juden Raus”. The term also uses the pejorative term Gypsies and not Roma. In the second picture the message is strengthened with the symbol of the Celtic cross, used by many white supremacists. The Celtic cross is common to many racist organizations, but has many non-racist connotations as well.

Why racist

created by admin

The language/symbol is racist and Nazi, since it connects to the Nazi regime and their practices of exclusion and extermination (genocide) of Jews, Roma and Slav people. The Nazi regime and Nazism was built upon an ideology of race supremacy of white people and was a racist form of nationalism. These messages reproduce Nazi racism.

Sloganin kieli on rasistista, sillä saksankielinen sana “raus” (“ulos”) kytkee sen Natsi-Saksan juutalaisiin, romaneihin ja slaavilaisiin kohdistamiin ulossulkemis- ja tuhoamiskäytäntöihin.

A nyelv/szimbólum rasszista és náci, mivel a náci uralomhoz és annak a zsidók, romák, szlávok elleni kirekesztő, megsemmisítő (népirtó) gyakorlatához kapcsolódik.

Il linguaggio/simbolo è razzista e nazista, dal momento che collega il regime nazista e le pratiche di sterminio (genocidio) degli ebrei, con i rom e gli slavi.

Jezik/simbol je rasističen in nacističen, saj poveže nacističen režim in prakse izključevanja in iztrebljenja (genocid) Judov, Romov in Slovanov.


created by admin

The two messages appear in public space as graffiti and a poster, documented by daily news (sobotainfo) and a weekly magazine (Mladina).,

Do you agree? Is this expression used in a similar way in your country? Do you want to add any further reference? Please comment!