Slabe izkušnje s čefurji

  •   Bad experiences with southerners (čefurji)
  •   Huonoja kokemuksia “etelästä tulevista”
  •   Rossz tapasztalatok a déliekkel
  •   Brutte esperienze con i meridionali (“čefurji”)





Target groups

  • Foreigner/Migrants
  • Minority groups


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This is a description under the title: “bad experiences with “southerners” (čefurji)”, where the author describes: “Recently I have published an article, with the topic about immigrants from former state of Yugoslavia, who in no way can be integrated in our society. Because some people really think, that these immigrants, who have rights to better life, are also miserable, I decided to publish another article with description of all bad experiences with “čefurji”. These bad experiences were forwarded to me by my various readers and friends on Facebook. I will constantly keep updating these experiences.”

Why racist

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The author collects bad experiences with southerners. Gypsies and southerners are two main groups of people against who hate speech and racist language is often used in Slovenia. “Southerners” represent a special category, since they represent the “south” for Slovenians. South for Slovenia, especially after it joined the EU, became the symbol of backwardness, political and economic underdevelopment, and some “previous” stage in the linear modernistic understanding of progress. In Slovenia we can often hear the reference to the Balkans, as the south, from which Slovenia and Slovenian people succeeded to detach and develop, while the Balkan is still a dysfunctional messy entity. This detachment for Slovenia means the story of success and progress in social, cultural, political and economic way. Slovenians and southerners are thus constructed as two opposite categories, the former representing civilised, modern, European and well behaved people, while the latter represent its opposite.

“Etelästä tulevat” on yhteiskunnallinen kategoria, jolla viitataan Slovenian eteläpuolisista Balkanin maista kotoisin oleviin ihmisiin. Kategoriaa on käytetty etenkin sen jälkeen, kun Slovenia liittyi EU:hun, mutta muut Balkanin maat jäivät ulkopuolelle. Slovenialaiset esitetään sivistyneinä, moderneina ja hyväkäytöksisinä eurooppalaisina, ja “etelästä kotoisin olevat” heidän vastakohtinaan.

A „déliek” speciális kategóriát képviselnek. A „Déli” a szlovénok számára, különösen az Európai Unióhoz való csatlakozás után, az elmaradottság, a politikai és gazdasági fejletlenség szimbóluma lett. A szlovénok és a „déliek” két ellentétes kategória: az előbbiek a civilizált, modern, Európai és jól viselkedő embereket kéviselik, az utóbbiak az ellentétüket.

I "meridionali" rappresentano una categoria speciale, in quanto rappresentano il "sud" per gli sloveni. Il sud, soprattutto dopo l'adesione all'UE, è diventato per la Slovenia un simbolo di arretratezza e sottosviluppo politico ed economico. Gli sloveni ed i meridionali costituiscono quindi due categorie opposte, i primi rappresentano le persone civili, moderne, europee e ben educate, mentre i secondi rappresentano l'opposto.

“Južnjaki” so predstavljeni kot posebna kategorija, saj predstavljajo vse kar je za Slovence “južno”. Južno za Slovenijo, še posebej po vstopu v EU, je postal simbol zaostalosti, politične in gospodarske nerazvitosti. Slovenci in južnjaki so tako konstruirani kot dve nasprotni kategoriji, kjer prva predstavlja civiliziranega, modernega Evropejca in ljudi, ki se lepo vedejo, drugi pa nasprotje.


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