Sei uno zingaro

  •   You're (such) a gipsy
  •   Olet niin mustalainen
  •   (Olyan) cigány vagy
  •   Ti si (tak) cigo





Target groups

  • Foreigner/Migrants
  • Roma


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"You're (such) a gipsy" is a widely used derogatory expression to blame someone for a wide variety of socially unapproved behaviours. According to circumstances and contexts, this may entail the concept of dirty, messy, thief and swindler. It is used by mothers to blame the kids if they get dirty playing with friends, or to emphasize the tendency to live in clutter ("your room looks like a gypsy's room"), indicating a petty thief or an untalented crook. The expression has a clear, sharp and unambiguous derogatory meaning.

Why racist

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"You're a gypsy" is a derogatory widely used to accuse someone of a wide range of immorality and / or socially reprehensible. It may involve an allusion to the idea of ​​dirty, messy, thief and swindler. The term "Gypsy" is undoubtedly a racist, as used exclusively in a negative way and widespread racist insults as a specific offense.

“Olet niin mustalainen” on laajalti käytetty halventava ilmaisu, jonka avulla ihmisiä syytetään monisyisestä “epäsosiaalisesta” käytöksestä. Se voi merkitä, että ihmistä pidetään likaisena, varkaana tai huijarina. Termin halventavuus on yksiselitteistä ja sitä käytetään yksinomaan kielteisessä ja rasistisessa merkityksessä, kuten myös perussanaa “zingaro”, “mustalainen”.

Az „(olyan) cigány vagy” egy széles körben használt becsmérlő kifejezés, amivel számos társadalmilag el nem fogadott viselkedésért róhatnak meg valakit pl. koszos, rendetlen, lop, és csal. A kifejezés nyilvánvaló, kemény és egyértelmű lealacsonyító jelentést hordoz, és egyértelműen rasszista: kizárólag negatív értelemben alkalmazzák.

"Sei uno zingaro" è un'espressione dispregiativa ampiamente utilizzata per accusare qualcuno di una vasta gamma di comportamenti ritenuti sbagliati e / o socialmente riprovevoli. Essa può implicare un' allusione all’idea di sporco, disordinato, ladro e truffatore. L'espressione ha una chiara, netta e inequivocabile connotazione dispregiativa. Il termine “Zingaro” è senza dubbio razzista, in quanto usato esclusivamente in modo negativo e molto diffuso insulti come specifica offesa razzista.

“Ti si (tak) cigo" se pogosto uporablja kot poniževalen izraz, da se okrivi nekoga za najrazličnejša družbeno nesprejemljiva vedenja. Izraz ima jasno, ostro in nedvoumno sporočilo. Izraz je nedvomno rasističen, ker se uporablja izključno negativno. Pojem ‘Zingaro’ (cigo) je uporabljen izrazito rasistično.


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The term is used widely in a variety of social situations: media, political campaigns, sport events and interpersonal interaction. The widespread use of this derogatory term has reached a worrying dimension in news comments and in social media in general.

Do you agree? Is this expression used in a similar way in your country? Do you want to add any further reference? Please comment!