Prima gli Italiani

  •   Priority to Italians / Italians first
  •   Italialaiset ensin
  •   Elsőbbséget az olaszoknak / Az olaszokat először
  •   Prednost Italijanom / Najprej Italijani





Target groups

  • Foreigner/Migrants
  • Minority groups
  • Roma
  • Others


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The idea of a priority right for the Italians is frequently expressed in common sense discourse, as in political speech, both in interpersonal interaction (e.g. in the family or on the bus, talking about immigrants or minorities) and in the media (Facebook page, Twitter, news stories). It may be considered as a pillar of the "populist discourse on immigration", in Italy, as in other countries. Among others, it has been used in an election poster of the political party “La Destra”, which is one of the far right parties in Italian Parliament. They used the slogan “Nursery and social services (first) to the Italians”. Also another far right party, Forza Nuova, used this slogan in an election poster, saying: “Italians first. National solidarity. Collecting food to help Italians with difficulties. Don't throw this leaflet. Give it to who needs”.

Why racist

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The message indicates that solidarity is positive when it is used to help Italians and it is negative when is used to help foreigners. While disguised as expression of opinion, the message is indirectly racist towards “the other”.

Slogan viestittää, että solidaarisuus on myönteistä, kun se edistää italialaisten asiaa, mutta kielteistä, kun se koskee ulkomaalaisia. Vaikka ilmaisu on puettu mielipiteen muotoon, se on epäsuorasti rasistinen ja syrjivä “toisia” eli ulkomaalaisia kohtaan.

A szöveg üzenete, hogy az szolidaritás pozitív, ha az olaszok, de negatív, ha az idegeneknek megsegítésére irányul. Jóllehet burkoltan fejezi ki ezt a véleményt, az üzenet azonban közvetetten rasszista a „másikkal” szemben.

Il messaggio indica che la solidarietà è positiva quando viene utilizzata per aiutare gli italiani ed è negativa quando è usata per aiutare gli stranieri. Nonostante sia mascherato come espressione di un'opinione, il messaggio è indirettamente razzista nei confronti dell’"altro".

Sporočilo nakazuje, da je solidarnost pozitivna, kadar gre za pomoč Italijanom in negativna, kadar gre za pomoč tujcem. Sporočilo je posredno rasistično do “drugih”, kadar gre za izražanje mnenja.


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The slogan were promoted by far right parties both with billboards and posters in public spaces and online portals. E.g:

Do you agree? Is this expression used in a similar way in your country? Do you want to add any further reference? Please comment!