
  •   Do-gooderist
  •   Hyysääjä
  •   Kis naiv
  •   (Dobrodelneži)





Target groups

  • Minority groups
  • Others


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Italian journalistic and political neologism: “buonismo” may alternatively be reported as “do-goodery”, “(excessive) political correctness”, “polite liberal speech”, “naïve optimism”. Left parties, NGO’s, Catholic Church, and European Union are frequently alleged to practice “buonismo” thus they are targeted for criticism. The term is often used to address a permissive, lenient, soft-hearted and unjustifiably optimistic attitude toward immigrants and minorities, while the immigrants are blamed for taking advantage of the naivity of "buonismo" (by criminality, abuse of welfare, illegal immigration etc).The term has been heavily used both in political language and in media, moreover by populist and right wing newspapers and TV.

Why racist

created by admin

The do-goodery argument could not be depicted as racist in itself but the context in which it is presented is essentially a racist discourse. It has to be considered as important: as an example, the term is applied in reference to NGO’s or politicians’ standpoints on immigration or civil rights. The term has frequently occurred in hate speech carried out by far-right movements. Furthermore, the term is used to disguise an expression of covert racism. "Buonisti" is often applied to move the focus from the attack against the minorities to the defenders of minority rights in order to defuse potential allegations of blatant racism. The terms buonismo / buonisti are often used to speak ill against pro-immigrants spokespersons and in an indirect way to talk against immigrants and minorities.

Termiä hyysääjä käytetään rasistisessa kontekstissa, vaikka se itsessään ei ole syrjivä. Sanalla viitataan esimerkiksi kansalaisjärjestöjen tai poliitikkojen siirtolaisten oikeuksista esittämiin näkemyksiin. Se ilmaisee myös kätkettyä rasismia, sillä sen avulla huomio, joka muuten kohdistuisi rasistisiin syytöksiin, pyritään kääntämään vähemmistöjen oikeuksien puolustajiin. Kun puolustajista puhutaan pahaa, ilmaistaan samalla vähintäänkin epäsuoraa rasismia.

A „kis naiv” jelző önmagában nem tekinthető rasszistának, de a szövegkörnyezet, amiben megjelenik rasszista diskurzus. A kifejezést civil szervezetek vagy politikusok bevándorlókra vagy emberi jogokra vonatkozó álláspontjával kapcsolatban használják. A kifejezés burkolt rasszizmusa a kisebbséget ért támadásról átirányítja a figyelmet a kisebbségi jogok védelmezőire. Gyakran használják a bevándorlók érdekében felszólaló személyek becsmérlésére, és arra, hogy közvetett módon a bevándorlókat és kisebbségeket támadják.

L'argomento del “buonismo” non può essere descritto come razzista in sé, ma il contesto in cui viene presentato è essenzialmente quello del discorso razzista. Il termine viene infatti applicato in riferimento alle posizioni delle ONG (organizzazioni non-governative) o dei politici in materia di immigrazione e di diritti civili. Il termine è usato per mascherare un’espressione di razzismo nascosto. L’accusa di "buonismo" viene spesso utilizzata per spostare l'attenzione dagli attacchi contro le minoranze ai difensori dei diritti delle minoranze, al fine di disinnescare potenziali accuse di razzismo esplicito. I termini buonismo/buonisti sono spesso utilizzati per parlare male dei portavoce delle associazioni pro-immigrati e in modo indiretto per parlare contro immigrati e le minoranze stesse.

Argument “dobrodelništva” ni rasističen sam po sebi, vendar je za kontekst, v katerem je predstavljen, značilen rasističen diskurz. Pojem se nanaša na odprta in humanitarna stališča nevladnih oranizacij in politikov glede priseljevanja in državljanskih pravic, uporablja pa se za prikrivanje prikritega rasizma – saj uporabljanje tega termina izkazuje nestrinjanje. "Buonismi" se pogosto uporablja, da se prestavi fokus od napadov na manjšine do zagovornikov pravic manjšin, da bi umirili morebitne obtožbe očitnega rasizma. Pojmi “buonismo/buonisti” se pogosto uporabljajo za žaljivo govorjenje proti zagovornikom priseljencev in tako na posreden način delujejo proti priseljencem in manjšinam.


created by admin

This term has been widely used in newsmedia and political language till to be used in common people discourse e.g.

Do you agree? Is this expression used in a similar way in your country? Do you want to add any further reference? Please comment!