
  •   Anchor Child
  •   Ankkurilapsi
  •   Horgonygyerek
  •   Bimbo àncora
  •   Otrok sidro





Target groups

  • Foreigner/Migrants
  • Refugees/Asylum Seekers


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The expression refers to unaccompanied children as asylum seekers: the rationale is that the purpose of the arrival of unaccompanied minors is to enable the arrival of their parents and family members in the receiving country: The child's function is that of an ‘anchor’ for other immigrants. It is an expression applied in the policymaking processes of humanitarian immigration and describes the attitudes and ideologies behind the immigration agenda. The term is mainly used in the context of Somali children as asylum seekers, and it is used very negatively to incriminate the families who are allegedly sending their children to a dangerous journey only to abuse the Finnish administration of humanitarian immigration. The pretext of using the word is the protection of the children, but in reality this kind of political discourse does not concern itself with the best interest of the child. The expression functions to show that politicians question immigrants' integrity and the conditions where asylum seekers find themselves.

Why racist

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The racism is very implicit. The expression conveys a meaning that asylum seekers and their families do not have sincere reasons for seeking asylum: instead, something dubious is always going on. It is therefore implied that ‘foreign’ people cannot be relied upon: that it is inherent for them to be untruthful and deceitful. Immigrants and asylum seekers and their family members are discussed in inhumane terms, as individuals that do not need to be considered as sincere human beings.

Termillä viitataan yksin maahan tulleisiin turvapaikanhakijalapsiin. Tausta-ajatus on, että lasten maahantulon tarkoituksena on ollut vain vanhempien ja muiden perheenjäsenten maahantulon mahdollistaminen, ja että lapsi on vain toiminut “ankkurina” suuremmalle maahantulijoiden joukolle. Rasismi on termissä hyvin ilmeistä, sillä se antaa ymmärtää, ettei perheillä ole mitään todellista tai vilpitöntä syytä hakea turvapaikkaa.

A kifejezés a menedéket kérő, felnőtt kíséret nélkül érkező gyerekekre utal. A kísérő nélkül érkező kiskorúak lehetővé teszik szüleik és családtagjaik számára, hogy a befogadó országba utazzanak. A gyerek szerepe az, hogy általa „vet horgonyt” a többi bevándorló. A rasszizmus burkoltan van jelen, a kifejezés azt a jelentést hordozza, hogy a menekülteknek és családjuknak nincs komoly okuk menedékjogot kérni.

L'espressione si riferisce a minori non accompagnati che richiedono asilo. Presuppone che lo scopo reale della venuta dei minori non accompagnati sia quello di consentire l'arrivo dei loro genitori e dei loro familiari nel paese di destinazione: la funzione del bambino è paragonata a quella di un 'ancora' per gli altri immigrati. L’intento razzista è implicito: l'espressione veicola l’idea che i richiedenti asilo e le loro famiglie non abbiano dei buoni motivi per richiedere asilo.

Izraz se nanaša na otroke brez spremstva kot prosilce za azil: izraža idejo, da je namen mladoletnikov brez spremstva omogočiti prihod staršev in družinskih članov v državo sprejemnico. Funkcija otroka je dojeta kot da je "sidro" za druge priseljence. Rasizem je zelo impliciten. Izraz izraža prepričanje, da prosilci za azil in njihove družine nimajo iskrenih razlogov za zaprositev azila.


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The term has been used widely in political discourse, including Parlimentary debates and in political campaigning. The use is not limited to any particular party, although the representatives of the Greens or the Left Alliance would not be easily spotted to use the word. The term has been largely conveyed in traditional media outlets when broadcasting the mainstream political discourse.

Do you agree? Is this expression used in a similar way in your country? Do you want to add any further reference? Please comment!