Vietato l’ingresso ai Negri

  •   Entrance forbidden to niggers
  •   Neekereiltä sisäänpääsy kielletty
  •   Négerenek tilos a bemenet
  •   Črnuhom vstop prepovedan





Target groups

  • Foreigner/Migrants
  • Minority groups
  • Others


created by admin

"Entrance forbidden to niggers, irregular (migrants) and previous offenders" is the slogan that the owner of a bar in Northern Italy (Padua) wrote on large sign exposed outside his bar.
Banners limiting the access into public spaces based on skin colour are internationally recognised as racist manifestations. This banner is very clear and besides referring to the skin colour, it conveys a message against offenders and persons without residence permit, saying that only “regular” people are admitted. The banner where this sentence appeared also had a reference to a legislative ordinance, thus claiming that this discrimination was approved by the public and security authorities.

Why racist

created by admin

The banner is discriminatory as it clearly indicates a different treatment between persons. It uses slurs and disparaging words; it conveys a message that no black offenders are welcomed; and it promotes a stereotype of black immigrants as irregular and prone to criminal behavior.

Ilmoitus on syrjivä, sillä siitä käy selvästi ilmi, että eri ihmisryhmiä on määrä kohdella eri tavoin. Se on herjaava ja väheksyvä ja pitää sisällään ajatuksen, että mustaihoiset siirtolaiset ovat taipuvaisia rikolliseen ja sääntöjen vastaiseen käytökseen eivätkä siksi ole lähtökohtaisesti tervetulleita.

A felirat diszkrimináló, nyíltan mutatja az emberek közti eltérő bánásmódot. Szóhasználata sértő és lealacsonyító: azt az üzenetet közvetíti, hogy a fekete betolakodókat nem látják szívesen. Erősíti a sztereotípiát a fekete bőrű bevándorlókkal szemben, azt sugallva, hogy nem illenek a rendszerbe és hajlamosak bűncselekmények elkövetésére.

La frase scritta sul cartello è discriminatoria in quanto suggerisce chiaramente un diverso trattamento delle persone di colore. Esso utilizza insulti e parole sprezzanti, per veicolare il messaggio che i delinquenti neri non sono benvenuti, promuovendo lo stereotipo degli immigrati neri come irregolari e inclini a comportamenti criminali.

Oznaka je diskriminatorna, saj jasno kaže na različno obravnavo ljudi. Vsebuje žaljivke in nesprejemljive besede, ki sporočajo, da temnopolti niso dobrodošli. Oznaka spodbuja stereotip o temnopoltih priseljencih kot nezakonitih in nagnjenih h kaznivim dejanjem.


created by admin

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