Bingo Bongo

  •   Bingo Bongo





Target groups

  • Foreigner/Migrants
  • Minority groups
  • Others


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The expression is used to depict black people as undistinguished population coming from "somewhere in Africa": as naïve persons that are unable to understand very well modern society and hence they are judged as unsuitable to living in western countries. For example, the insult has been adopted in sports, and it has appeared in Italian political language by the far-right parties. In addition the “bingo bongo” argument has been used to blame left and centre-left policies to favour multiculturalism and integration, considered as a waste of time and taxpayer’s money. The expression is sometimes used in a populist discourse, and it has became a frequently occurrence in forums on the Internet as well as a direct insult toward Africans while they’re in public.
created by amboileau

“Bongo Bongo Bongo” was the title – and the refrain – of a very popular song launched at the end of the '40s by the famous Italian singer Nilla Pizzi and proposed again during the '80s by another famous singer, Renzo Arbore. The refrain, in broken Italian, went "Bongo, bongo, bongo, to live well here in Congo" (
Given the text, the current racist/discriminatory use of the insult is easily understood.

Why racist

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The expression “bingo bongo” relates to a hierarchic view of the world. The term is applied to belittle black people by depicting them as members of some strange and uncivilized tribe, living as primitives in the bush or in forests. “Bingo bongo” also implies that, since inferior, people of African descent do not deserve the enjoyment of fundamental rights. It relates to the essentialist and biological racism. This expression is well known in Italy and its derogatory meaning is clear to everyone.

Ilmaisu esittää mustaihoiset ihmiset erottelemattomana ihmisjoukkona, joka on kotoisin jostain päin Afrikkaa. Se vähättelee mustaihoisia niputtamalla heidät kaikki oudon, primitiivisen ja viidakossa elävän heimon jäseniksi. Ilmaisu myös esittää heidät alempiarvoisina ihmisinä, jotka eivät ansaitse perusoikeuksia, ja kytkeytyy näin osaksi biologialla perusteltua rasismia. Ilmaisu tunnetaan Italiassa hyvin ja sen halventava merkitys on ihmisille hyvin tuttu.

A kifejezés a feketebőrűeket Afrika egy meghatározatlan helyéről érkező, egymástól meg nem különböztethető népcsoportként ábrázolja, és lealacsonyítsa őket azzal, hogy furcsa és civilizálatlan törzsek tagjai és primitív módon az erdőben vagy a bozótban élnek. A „bingo bongo” kifejezés alapján az afrikai származású embereket alacsonyabbrendűségük miatt nem illetik meg az alapvető jogok. Esszencialista (veleszületett jegyeket hangsúlyozó) és a biológiai alapú rasszizmussal függ össze. A kifejezés Olaszországban jól ismert, derogáló tartalma mindenki számára egyértelmű.

L'espressione viene usata per descrivere i neri come popolazione proveniente da qualsiasi parte dell'Africa. Usata per sminuire le persone di colore dipingendole come membri di una tribù primitiva, che vive nelle campagne o nelle foreste. "Bingo bongo", significa anche che, in quanto inferiori, gli africani non meritano di godere dei diritti fondamentali. Si riferisce al razzismo essenzialista e biologico. Questa espressione è ben nota in Italia e il suo significato dispregiativo è chiaro a tutti.

Izraz se uporablja za označevanje temnopoltih kot nerazločljive populacije, ki prihaja od nekod iz Afrike. Izraz se uporablja za omalovaževanje temnopoltih in jih prikazuje kot predstavnike nekega čudnega in neciviliziranega plemena, ki živi v grmovju ali v gozdovih. "Bingo bongo" pomeni tudi, da glede na to, da so inferiorni, ljudje afriškega porekla ne zaslužijo uživanja temeljnih pravic. To se nanaša na esencialistični in biološki rasizem. Ta izraz je dobro poznan v Italiji in njegov poniževalen pomen je jasen vsakomur.


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The term is used widely in a variety of social situations: media, political campaigns, sport events and interpersonal interaction. The widespread use of this derogatory term has reached a worrying dimension in news comments and in social media in general. For example in Youtube:
created by amboileau


Do you agree? Is this expression used in a similar way in your country? Do you want to add any further reference? Please comment!