Nem tud semmit kérdezni a szüleitől, tehát nem tudnak neki érdemben segíteni, lehet hogy a füzetét eltüzelik...

  •   They cannot ask anything from their parents, as they are unable to help their children, and may have even burnt their copybooks as fuel...
  •   He eivät voi kysyä vanhemmiltaan mitään, sillä nämä eivät kykene auttamaan lapsiaan ja ovat saattaneet käyttää koulukirjatkin polttopuuksi...
  •   Non possono chiedere niente ai loro genitori, in quanto loro non sono in grado di aiutare i propri figli, e possono anche aver bruciato i loro quaderni come combustibile…"
  •   Nič ne morejo zahtevati od svojih staršev, ker so nezmožni pomagati otrokom, in so morda celo zažgali prepise dokumentov kot gorivo …





Target groups

  • Roma


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”The effort they must take in order to do their homework is incomparable... they cannot ask anything from their parents, as they are unable to help their children, and may have even burnt their copybooks as fuel...”
(Bishop János Székely, Catholic Bishops’ conference on MTV, 23.02.2011) on Roma children. The Bishop uses a stereotype on Roma children and especially on their parents by stating that all of the Roma parents are neglectful towards their children’s schooling.

Why racist

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The message is racist as it conveys a prejudiced and stereotyped image of the Roma parents as stupid and incapable of supporting their children in education.

Viesti on rasistinen korostaessaan ennakkoluuloja ja stereotypioita, joiden mukaan romanivanhemmat ovat typeriä ja kykenemättömiä tukemaan lapsiaan koulunkäynnissä.

Az üzenet rasszista, mert egy olyan előítéletes és sztereotip képet közvetít a roma szülőkről, hogy buták és képtelenek segíteni a gyermeküknek a tanulásban.

Il messaggio è razzista poichè trasmette un pregiudizio e un'immagine stereotipata dei genitori rom come stupidi e incapaci di sostenere i propri figli nel loro percorso di istruzione scolastica.

Sporočilo je rasistično, saj prenaša stereotipne podobe, polne predsodkov o Romih kot starših, ki so neumni in nesposobni podpreti izobraževanje svojih otrok.


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Hungarian State TV, evening news, 23.02.2011

Do you agree? Is this expression used in a similar way in your country? Do you want to add any further reference? Please comment!