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Target groups

  • Roma


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In a far-right group's online webpage the Roma are referred to as animal species unable to control their sexuality: The article highlights that during mating season the Roma become more aggressive. Uncontrolled sexuality as a mark of animalistic character is a commonly used notion in racist discourses all over the world and a widespread issue on right-wing extremist and racist portals.

Why racist

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The article conveys message of dehumanization: categorizing people as animals who are unable to control their behaviour is clearly a racist expression.

Äärioikeistolaisen ryhmän verkkosivulla romaneihin viitataan eläinlajina, joka ei kykene hallitsemaan seksuaalisuuttaan. Sijoittaessaan ihmisiä eläinkategoriaan artikkeli viestii epäinhimillistämisestä.

Az egyik szélsőjobboldali csoport honlapján az emberi méltóságtól való megfosztás üzenetét közvetíti.

Nel sito web di un gruppo di estrema destra i rom sono indicati come specie animale incapaci di controllare il proprio comportamento sessuale. L'articolo trasmette un messaggio di disumanizzazione.

Na skrajno desničarskih spletnih straneh so Romi označeni kot živalska vrsta, ki ni zmožna nadzirati svoje seksualnosti. Kategoriziranje ljudi kot živali pomeni razčlovečenje, gre za odkriti rasizem.


created by admin

The article was published on a far-right webpage:

Do you agree? Is this expression used in a similar way in your country? Do you want to add any further reference? Please comment!