Egy genetikai hulladék

  •   Genetic trash
  •   Geneettistä roskaa
  •   Spazzatura genetica
  •   Genetske smeti





Target groups

  • Foreigner/Migrants
  • Minority groups
  • Jews
  • Muslims
  • Roma
  • Others


created by admin

The term has a stabile meaning: Using a term coming from science and a highly emotional word "trash" when it is referred to people. The term is used to refer to any enemies: Roma, non-roma, pedofiles, political enemies, liberal artists, and fascists. Characterization of out-groups as inhuman or as trash is a widespread, overtly racist and internationally common phenomena.

Why racist

created by admin

The expression reflects hierarchy between various peoples. It conveys message of dehumanization, characterizing people as trash, and using biological racism to degrade the people.

Vähemmistöryhmien luonnehtiminen epäinhimilliseksi tai törkyiseksi, roskaksi, on laajalle levinnyt, avoimen rasistinen ja kansainvälisesti tunnettu ilmiö. Ilmaisu heijastelee eri ihmisryhmien välille muodostettua hierarkiaa. Luonnehtiessaan ihmisiä roskaksi se epäinhimillistää ja soveltaa biologiaa halventaakseen ihmisiä rasistisesti.

Külső csoportok nem emberi lényként vagy hulladékként történő jellemzése széles körben elterjedt, nyíltan rasszista és nemzetközileg is gyakori jelenség. A kifejezés a különböző embercsoportok közti hierarchiát tükrözi. Biológiai alapú rasszizmus az emberek lealacsonyítására.

La caratterizzazione degli stranieri come inumani o come spazzatura è un fenomeno diffuso, apertamente razzista e diffuso a livello internazionale. L'espressione sottintende una gerarchia tra le varie popolazioni. Trasmette un messaggio disumanizzante, caratterizzando le persone come spazzatura e facendo riferimento al razzismo biologico per umiliare le persone.

Primerjati skupine drugih s smetmi je pogost rasističen mednarodni pojav. Izraz odraža hierarhijo med ljudmi. Prinaša sporočilo o dehumanizaciji in označevanje ljudi s smetmi promovira biološki rasizem z namenom razčlovečenja.


created by admin

The term is widely applied in extremist webpages to describe various out-groups, e.g.

Do you agree? Is this expression used in a similar way in your country? Do you want to add any further reference? Please comment!