Muslimit odottavat kutsua Jihadiin

  •   Muslims are waiting to be called by Jihad
  •   A muszlimok a dzsihád hívására várnak
  •   I musulmani sono in attesa di essere chiamati dalla Jihad
  •   Muslimani čakajo na vpoklic džihada





Target groups

  • Foreigner/Migrants
  • Minority groups
  • Muslims


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A representative of the parliament, a member of the far right True Finns -party (Perussuomalaiset) Teuvo Hakkarainen commented in his blog that the Muslim immigrants are only an expenditure for the Finnish society. Furthermore, Hakkarainen noted that "Millions of Muslims are flooding into the west, as if they were in a Trojan horse, patiently waiting to be called for Jihad".

Why racist

created by admin

Associating Jihad with Muslim migrants scapegoats all Muslims as warlike. Furthermore, a notion that "migrants are flooding the west" associates immigration as an uncontrollable and overwhelming phenomenon. By comparing international migration to a "Trojan horse", it suggests that migrants have plotted their way in to the west with destructive purposes.

Muslimisiirtolaisten samastaminen jihaditaisteilijoihin tekee kaikista muslimeista sodankäynnin tai terrorismin syntipukkeja.

A muszlim bevándorlók és a dzsihád összekapcsolása azt sugallja, hogy minden muszlim militáns. Ezzel bűnbakként állítja be őket.

Associare la Jihad con gli immigrati musulmani fa dei musulmani dei capri espiatori, considerandoli tutti come bellicosi combattenti.

Povezovanje muslimanskih migrantov z džihadom kategorizira vse muslimane kot bojevite oziroma željne krvi.


created by admin

The comments were acknoweldged by the mainstream media i.e.

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