Somalitulva, somalirutto

  •   Somali flooding, Somali plague
  •   Szomáliai áradat, szomáliai pestis
  •   Alluvione somala, peste somala
  •   Somalijska poplava; somalijska kuga





Target groups

  • Foreigner/Migrants
  • Minority groups
  • Muslims
  • Others


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The news article appeared in the controversial Finnish online paper "Magneettimedia". It was as a response to a news story by a Finnish broadcasting company YLE, which interviewed experts claiming that for immigrants (Somalis particularly), easing the bureaucratic processes of entrepreneurship would see more people to succeed professionally. The article in Magneettimedia notes that "Somali floods" arriving with the expense of the tax payers money plague the host society. Despite the efforts of the egalitarian state to integrate the Somali migrants successfully, the article concludes that the Somali migrants are incapable of integration due to their African descent and criminal instincts. Furthermore, the article questions news reporting of YLE's objectivity with regard to multiculturalism and immigrants, claiming it's falsifying facts.

Why racist

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The article scapegoats Somali migrants as "flood" and "a plague" threatening the safety and welfare of the western societies. Furthermore, the Somali migrants and refugees are presented as incapable for integration due to their ethnicity. Somalis are placed in a wider context of people originating from Africa and associated with criminal behaviour as "natural" characteristic.

Syyttää ja syyllistää somalialaisia siirtolaisia “tulvasta” ja “rutosta”, jotka uhkaavat läntisten yhteiskuntien turvallisuutta ja hyvinvointia.

A szomáliai menekülteket bűnbakként állítja be, akik „árvízként” és „pestisként” veszélyeztetik a nyugati társadalmak biztonságát és jólétét.

E’ un modo per fare degli immigrati somali dei capri espiatori, definendoli come un’ "alluvione" e una “piaga" che minacciano la sicurezza ed il benessere delle società occidentali.

Gre za ustvarjanje grešnega kozla iz priseljencev iz Somalije, ki se jih obravnava kot poplavo in kugo, ki grozi varnosti in blaginji zahodnih družb.


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